Starting in 2018, the City of Glencoe embarked on a planning process to identify strategies for revitalizing the downtown commercial corridor. This planning effort was coordinated by the City of Glencoe and Glencoe Area Chamber of Commerce. Residents and businesses were engaged in the planning process to capture a vision for a vibrant future for Glencoe’s downtown. The plan includes recommendations to address infrastructure needs, beautification projects, policies, and other strategic initiatives with the goal of building a strong economic future for the community. We invite you to review the plan to learn about the “road map” that these stakeholders have created for Glencoe’s downtown.
Downtown Action Plan – Adopted February 2019 (pdf file)
Downtown Advisory Committee Updates:
April, 2019 – The Glenoce City Council recently created a fifteen member Downtown Advisory Committee. The committee is charged with implementing recommendations set forth in the Downtown Action Plan. This will involve working directly with the City of Glencoe, Chamber of Commerce, community organizations, downtown businesses, residents and other stakeholders.