Glencoe’s new Comprehensive Plan is almost ready! An Open House will be held on October 14 to share plan recommendations and receive comments from residents and businesses.
The Open House will be held on Thursday October 14, from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at City Center, and will offer opportunities for residents to learn about the plan, ask questions, and provide comments and ideas for consideration into the plan’s Final Draft.
A brief presentation (starting at 6:30 pm) will provide an introduction to the plan, while Open House boards and materials will explain the plan’s goals, process, recommendations and implementation priorities. Participants will be able to review materials at their own pace, and stay as long or as little as they want. Members of the planning team and Steering Committee members will be on hand to answer questions.
Glencoe’s new Comprehensive Plan (the City’s first) will help guide the City’s evolution over the next twenty years, and includes recommendations for land use, housing, business development, parks, transportation, and downtown vitality, among others.
Materials for the Open House (including copies of the boards, and the latest draft of the plan) will be available on the front page of the project website that same day for review and comment by residents who are unable to attend in-person.
To learn more about the plan, including upcoming opportunities to participate and comment, please visit – We look forward to meeting with you on October 14!
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