Effective 12/20/19 - the warming house and ice rinks will open on Saturday. Hours for the warming house are listed below. Monday - Friday 3:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Saturday - Sunday 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Holidays and Non-School Days 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. ***The warming house will be closed when air temperatures are -10 degrees or if the wind chill factor is -30 degrees. …
Free Water-Saving Items for Your Home
Glencoe’s Well Head Protection: Get FREE water-saving items for your home The City of Glencoe has a Well Head Protection Plan (WHPP) in place with the State of Minnesota. As a community, we need to steadily work on saving water to reduce how much water we draw from our public water supply wells. There is a really easy way for you to be a part of this effort. The City of Glencoe is partnering with CenterPoint Energy on their Do-It-Yourself program. You can order free water-saving items for …
Downtown Action Plan
The City Council adopted the Downtown Action Plan at their meeting on March 18th. The plan was developed through a public planning process that was initiated in 2018. Please see the link below to view the final plan. Downtown Action Plan (pdf file) …
Comprehensive Housing Study
The City of Glencoe has invested in a comprehensive housing study to aid developers and builders by providing a market analysis for Glencoe's housing demand. Click here to read an online copy of this study. …
Hotel Market Study Released
The Glencoe City Council recently approved a recommendation by the Economic Development Committee to complete an update to the Hotel Market Study that was originally completed in 2013. Click here to read an online copy of this updated study. …